TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) Price in India
350 159
TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g)

TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g)

350 159

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Dry and chapped lips are common problems that most of us suffer due to change in season or various external factors. Rejuvenate your lips by making them soft and supple by regularly using TNW – The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask that offers overnight lip repair treatment. It has a thick and creamy texture that smoothly glides on your lips, making them moisturized and hydrated. It is effective in curing dry, chapped, and cracked lips overnight. This lip sleeping mask also helps to lighten dark lips by reducing the deposit of tanning and pigmentation. With nourishing oils like turmeric oil and pomegranate oil, it helps to enhance the natural color of the lips. TNW Lip Sleeping Mask also contains vitamin C, shea butter, cocoa butter, and coconut butter. For visible results, you must use it regularly.

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TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) Price Comparison
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TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g)

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TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g)

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TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g)

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TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g)

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TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g)

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TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) Price in India

  • Price of TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) is Rs. 159 at Flipkart in India.
  • The TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) is Rs. 159 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) in Flipkart (Rs. 159)
  • can help you save Rs. 191 on this purchase.
  • TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g).
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  • The latest price of TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g) was obtained on June 12, 2024

Rs. 159 is the Best Price In India for TNW - The Natural Wash Lip Sleeping Mask for Overnight Repair with 2% Vitamin C, Shea Butter & Pomegranate (10g), last updated on June 12, 2024

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