Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4 Price in India
399 120
Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4

Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4

399 120

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A 4-in-1 lipstick is a versatile makeup product that offers multiple benefits and features in a single tube. Here's a description of a 4-in-1 lipstick:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Multiple Shades: A 4-in-1 lipstick typically includes four different shades in one tube. These shades can range from complementary colors to variations within a color family. This allows you to experiment with different looks and easily switch between shades without carrying multiple lipsticks.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gradient or Ombre Effect: Some 4-in-1 lipsticks are designed to create a gradient or ombre effect on the lips. The lipstick is formulated with multiple shades that blend seamlessly when applied, creating a subtle or more pronounced gradient effect. This adds depth and dimension to the lips, giving them a unique and trendy appearance.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Different Finishes: A 4-in-1 lipstick may also offer different finishes in each shade. For example, you might find matte, satin, glossy, or shimmer finishes within the same lipstick. This allows you to switch between different textures and achieve various looks depending on your preference or the occasion.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Versatile Application: With a 4-in-1 lipstick, you have the flexibility to apply each shade individually or mix and match them to create custom shades. You can use a lip brush or your finger to blend the colors together, creating unique combinations that suit your desired look.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Travel-Friendly: The compact design of a 4-in-1 lipstick makes it convenient for travel or on-the-go touch-ups. Instead of carrying multiple lipstick tubes, you can have a variety of shades at your fingertips in one compact package.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>To use a 4-in-1 lipstick, simply twist the tube to reveal the desired shade and apply it directly to the lips. You can blend the shades together for a customized look or apply them separately for more defined color variations.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Overall, a 4-in-1 lipstick is a versatile and space-saving option that allows you to experiment with different shades, finishes, and effects, giving you more options to express your personal style and create unique lip looks.

Product Details
Website: Flipkart
Brand: Kiss Beauty
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Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4 Price in India

  • Price of Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4 in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4 is Rs. 120 at Flipkart in India.
  • The Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4 is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4 is Rs. 120 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4 in Flipkart (Rs. 120)
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  • The latest price of Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4 was obtained on June 8, 2024

Rs. 120 is the Best Price In India for Kiss Beauty Matte Minis Red Edition Liquid Lipstick Set of 4, last updated on June 8, 2024

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