SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc Price in India
599 299
SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc

SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc

599 299

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HYDRATING LIP GLOSS: these tints will keep your lips Hydrated for a long timeSUBTLE HINT OF TINT:The ordinary lip balms available in the market usually just come in a plain colour and don’t provide any colour of shine and hence make your lips look dull and boring. Our lip gloss provides a subtle hint of colour to your lips and make them appear gloss, pink and pretty.CUTE PACKAGING: We know that today’s world is all about appearing trendy and young, not just in clothing and accessories but all the little things we use in our everyday life.TRAVEL FRIENDLY:When designing our products, we want to make sure that they’re not just pretty to look at but are accessible for using at various times and places as well. This is why our tinted lip gloss comes in small travel-friendly which can be carried anywhere and used anytime!This lip balm helps in lightening dark lips and restoring its original natural pink color in both men

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SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc Price Comparison
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SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc

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SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc

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SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc

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SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc Price in India

  • Price of SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc is Rs. 299 at Flipkart in India.
  • The SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc is Rs. 299 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc in Flipkart (Rs. 299)
  • can help you save Rs. 300 on this purchase.
  • SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc.
  • is not responsible for the goods sold by any of the sellers above.
  • The latest price of SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc was obtained on June 10, 2024

Rs. 299 is the Best Price In India for SIM’S CREATION Moisturizing and Hydrating Heart Lip Gloss Tint, Cartoon Lip Balm and Juice 3pc, last updated on June 10, 2024

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