quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch Price in India
14999 2049
quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch

quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch

14999 2049

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About this itemTracking your activity throughout the day: On a amoled display, you can check your daily activity and see your steps, distance, calories burned, and active minutes.Calls can be made and received. Additionally, you can receive alerts for missed calls and messages on your wrist, including calendar, SMS, and SNS (Facebook, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter) notifications. A fitness tracker band also enables you to never miss important communications.The advanced health wristwatch has a 1.99-inch Amoled display full touch screen and has capabilities for tracking your sleep, exercising, monitoring your menstrual health, relaxing, setting an alarm, and timing various eventsAfter downloading our software from the Play Store via the link in the manual book, all of this Smart Watch's features will be unlocked. To download the application, simply scan the bar code you will receive. Bluetooth and location should be enabled while connecting a Smart Watch via an app. Avoid pairing Watch with Bluetooth directly. It must first be connected to the app.Social Media Notifications, Play Music, Make and Receive Calls, Heart Rate, SpO2, Blood Pressure, Sports Mode, Sleep Monitoring and Custom Theme etc.

Product Details
Website: Flipkart
Brand: quantum corp
Color: Orange
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quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch Price Comparison
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quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch

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quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch

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quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch

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quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch

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quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch Price in India

  • Price of quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch is Rs. 2049 at Flipkart in India.
  • The quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch is Rs. 2049 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch in Flipkart (Rs. 2049)
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  • quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch.
  • DTashion.com is not responsible for the goods sold by any of the sellers above.
  • The latest price of quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch was obtained on June 7, 2024

Rs. 2049 is the Best Price In India for quantum corp T900 BIG ULTRA 2.09 infinite display Wireless Charging Bluetooth Call ORANGE Smartwatch, last updated on June 7, 2024

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