Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women Price in India
349 265
Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women

Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women

349 265

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This toner is formulated to brighten dull & uneven skin tone of the face and boost collagen production. It also speeds up the skin brightening process by restricting excess melanin production and makes the skin complexion even. The ingredients in this toner eliminate excess oil from the skin surface by cleansing it deeply. It further maintains the natural pH balance of the skin, leaving a glowing complexion. Antioxidants in the toner scavenge free radicals that cause skin-ageing and reduce the appearance of fine lines. How To Use: After cleansing, spritz a generous amount to clean skin and let it air dry to help complete absorption. If using a cotton pad, soak the pad completely. Follow it up with a moisturizer. Use it in the morning and night.

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Website: Flipkart
Brand: Skinkraft
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Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women Price Comparison
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Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women

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Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women

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Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women

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Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women

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Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women

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Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women Price in India

  • Price of Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women is Rs. 265 at Flipkart in India.
  • The Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women is Rs. 265 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women in Flipkart (Rs. 265)
  • can help you save Rs. 84 on this purchase.
  • Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women.
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  • The latest price of Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women was obtained on June 7, 2024

Rs. 265 is the Best Price In India for Skinkraft BrightSide Facial Toner for Brightening - For Oily Skin - Removes Excess Sebum - Promotes Collagen Production - Brightens Dull & Uneven Skin - Dermatologist Approved - 100 ml Men & Women, last updated on June 7, 2024

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