LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours Price in India
897 379
LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours

LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours

897 379

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A splash of color and a spoonful of tenderness. The Loveearth Liquid Mousse is not your typical liquid lipstick. Instead, it's rich in matte color and made with the most nutritious natural components, including Vitamin E and Jojoba Oil, brightening and moisturizing the lips. It's also Safe and guarantees that it is free of chemicals and will wrap you in color, love, and care. It's a perfect match for every beautiful women present around.The Unique Selling Point about this lipstick is that it is so lightweight that you won’t even feel that you are wearing it. Also, as the name suggests, this lipstick is non-sticky and 100% vegan, and cruelty-free.Loveearth's Liquid Mousse is powerful and gentle. This lightweight textured lipstick provides high nourishment and 12 hours of long-lasting, matte color to your lips. So you may have attractive, moisturized, and nurtured lips in a single stroke. Choose from nine colors and personalize them

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LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours

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LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours

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LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours

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LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours Price in India

  • Price of LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours is Rs. 379 at Flipkart in India.
  • The LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours is Rs. 379 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours in Flipkart (Rs. 379)
  • can help you save Rs. 518 on this purchase.
  • LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours.
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  • The latest price of LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours was obtained on June 2, 2024

Rs. 379 is the Best Price In India for LOVE EARTH Liquid Mousse Lipstick - Pink Colada Matte Finish, Lasts Up to 12 hours, last updated on June 2, 2024

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