HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) Price in India
999 499
HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A)

HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A)

999 499

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This high shine, non-sticky formula hydrates and nourishes lips, a lip gloss available in a wide range of colors that conditions your lips with a glass-like finish. Make your lips fuller and more voluminous.A luminous, lacquer-shine gloss that takes your lips to the extreme,with outrageously sensual, brilliantly bold color.Natural extracts, including peppermint oils to improve skin elasticity and bouncy effect.Available in a wide range of shades, the ultra-shiny and comfortable formula is cruelty-free and vegan.Delivers a natural flush of color that last longer than your usual lipsticks. Super cute packaging perfect as a gift idea.

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HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) Price Comparison
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HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A)

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HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A)

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HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A)

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HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) Price in India

  • Price of HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) is Rs. 499 at Flipkart in India.
  • The HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) is Rs. 499 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) in Flipkart (Rs. 499)
  • DTashion.com can help you save Rs. 500 on this purchase.
  • HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A).
  • DTashion.com is not responsible for the goods sold by any of the sellers above.
  • The latest price of HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A) was obtained on June 2, 2024

Rs. 499 is the Best Price In India for HANDAIYAN 6Pcs lip oil light lipgloss set, moisturizing hydrating high shine Plump (Set A), last updated on June 2, 2024

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