Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener Price in India
1499 522
Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener

Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener

1499 522

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Want to get the glam look with perfect straight hairs or thinking about a makeover for your hair? Then professional km-328 hair straightener is a must have for you as the ceramic plates are of 50 Hz and have a temperature range from 160-220 degree Celsius with the heat time of just 30 seconds so you don’t have to stand and wait for the straightener to heat instead you can plug let it heat for just for 30 seconds and unplug and use for sleek and straight shiny hairs at home. The straightener is made of with smooth 100 percent ceramic plates and is compact and comfortable to use for everyone so get the saloon-look at home with this professional hair straightener. Avoiding your hairs from blow drying as they absorb the moisture from your hairs making them frizzy with this straightener you have 4 different temperature controls according to your need. The device is flexible and easy to use due to its compact, yet durable design and the long swivel cord ensures flexibility as well as ease while using it. The led indicator light let you know whether the straightener is on or off and will automatically turn off when the desired high temperature is reached.

Product Details
Website: Flipkart
Brand: Wunder Vox
Color: Black
Color: Pink
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Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener Price Comparison
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Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener

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Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener

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Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener

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Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener

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Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener

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Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener Price in India

  • Price of Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener in the above table is in Indian Rupee.
  • The best price of Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener is Rs. 522 at Flipkart in India.
  • The Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener is available in Flipkart.
  • The lowest price of Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener is Rs. 522 in Flipkart, which is 0% less than the cost of Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener in Flipkart (Rs. 522)
  • DTashion.com can help you save Rs. 977 on this purchase.
  • Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener can be delivered at the above price across 100's of Indian cities including Delhi (NCR), Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai and Pune.
  • Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener prices varies regularly. Please keep on checking our site to find out the latest prices of Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener.
  • DTashion.com is not responsible for the goods sold by any of the sellers above.
  • The latest price of Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener was obtained on June 9, 2024

Rs. 522 is the Best Price In India for Wunder Vox Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener Straight hair bar hair artifact ceramic panel hair straightener-X22 Hair Straightener, last updated on June 9, 2024

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